Fiche de Navigabilité No 34 - courtesy Jörg Spittler, co-owner of DR.1051 F-BJLP s/n 25
The original French type cetificate data sheet, edition 8 of January 1968. This document contains ten pages of interesting information about the various models in the Jodel DR.100 series:
A very interesting part of the document deals with the loading of the rear seats, a subject which resulted in some major discussions in the Jodel Mailing List a few months ago. Section 1.6 of this document clearly states:
"La valeur limite (110 kg) figurant sur les anciennes éditions de la présente fiche ne constitute pas une limitation réglementaire, mais un valeur moyenne indicative."
Approximate translation to English (corrections welcome ...):
"The maximum allowable load [on the rear bench] (110 kg) stated on older issues of this document doesn't constitute a limiting value in a reglementatory way, but is merely an average value for general use."
PDF, scanned at 300 dpi resolution (688 kB)
PDF, scanned at 600 dpi resolution (1814 kB)
Note: For printing according to the original, print the title page on a single sheet and the remaining pages in duplex mode, i.e. doublesided. The 600 dpi file requires a printer with a lot of memory, especially for double-sided printing, but the difference in print quality is obvious!